Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Analysis Of Scientific Glass Inventory Management Finance Essay

The products of Scientific Glass include customized and specialized glassware for a variety of organizations such as pharmaceutical companies, hospitals, research labs, quality-control sites and testing facilities. By January 2010, a substantial increase in their inventory balances tied up the capital needed for investment for expansion. The debt-to-capital ratio exceeded the 40% target preventing the company to use their capital in other areas. Also the shipping costs were rising, competitive pressures were speeding up, and certain markets in North America and Europe were becoming saturated which underscored the necessity for capital investment for expanding market opportunities in Latin America and Asia. Moreover, expanding warehousing network increased the inventory levels along with costs, documentation complexities and errors. The company hired a new Manager of Inventory Planning, Ava Beane, to come up with an effective plan to manage SG’ s inventory without requiring a large capital investment. In order to finance operations in year 2010, SG requires an external funding of $53.8 million. These expenses would further limit the company to use their existing capital in other areas such as research and development and expanding to international markets. To improve customer service levels, SG had increased the target customer fill rate to 99% and added six more leased ware houses to meet the demand more accurately. This led to an increase in the inventory levels as some warehouse managers kept extra inventory in order to meet the company target fill rate. Good practices Maintained continued sales growth and higher customer satisfaction Produced creative products with lower life cycle costs Focused on durable products, innovative designs and superior customer services Reduced time between ordering and delivering the products to the customers Bad practices Treated inventory management as an afterthought, due to which inventory imbalances were increasing The company exceeded its target debt to capital ratio of 40% Incurred both underage and overage costs High Inventory Problem Due to increasing in customer service level, SG planned to add regional  warehouses in many parts US. SG has the main and the largest one in Waltham, MA, which is next to manufacturing plant. SG also has another warehouse that located outside of Phoenix, Arizona. However, at the end of 2008, SG bought other six warehouses. This means SG has the total 8 warehouses to serve customers. Annual rental and operation costs for North American warehouses were 15% of the cost of the warehoused inventory. However, in 2006, before add more 6 warehouses, SG already made investment to expand the warehouse at Waltham in anticipation of continued growth, but after these 6 warehouses had been bought, this warehouse does not work full efficiency of its capacity. Another problem of warehouse management is company expected to reach high level of customer service to 99%, so that warehouse managers keep order inventory ahead before it reach threshold of inventory level to order new one to assure that they will meet the customer service target level at 99%. This situation causes high inventory levels than required and also high inventory turnover. Moreover, salespeople were allowed to have its products up to $10,000 worth from ware house and keep them in trunk stock in their homes and cars in order to deliver this inventory on short notice to any customer who was within driving distance. This amount could lead to high finished goods in warehouse and in-transit. It could lead to missing products in inventory, and lost. Proposed solutions to inventory problem In order to solve the inventory issues, two main aspects need to be considered: Number of warehouses and their structure can be changed; Related policies can be changed and more appropriate policies need to be implemented. For changing the number of warehouses, in other words, centralizing or decentralizing warehousing functions, the different options considered are as follows: Centralized warehousing in Waltham: This option uses a single central warehouse near to manufacturing facility at Waltham and will send all customer orders from this one location. Centralized warehousing in Waltham to meet demand in Southeast and Northeast regions used the delivery service of Winged Fleet as their rates are cheaper for these two regions. This would allow SG to pool its inventory in one place in order to meet demand. But the customer response times would  increase Decentralized warehousing: This option considers more number of warehouses rather than having a single centralized warehouse to meet the demand better and reduce customer response time. Continuing with 8 warehouses: This option makes no change on the network of the warehouses and all regions will be supplied its warehouse if there is no stock-out occurs. Two centralized warehouses: In this option, the additional warehouse will be at the west at Phoenix and it will be supplied from Waltham. Demand of east region will be met from Waltham, demand of west region will be met from Phoenix and demand of central region will be met from both warehouses, assuming to have equal shares on the central region. This option may also consider including the warehouse at Dallas In addition to the main warehouse at Waltham. This additional warehouse would be supplied from Waltham. This would allow demand to be met for all other regions and prevent any stock-outs in a single warehouse. Outsourcing the warehousing functions: In this option, all warehousing actions will be outsourced to Global Logistics (GL) and distribution will start from main warehouse at Waltham and then GL will be responsible from rest of the operations. Outsource warehousing to GL to meet demand in the Central, Southwest and Northwest regions because shipping costs for those regions is cheapest with the GL rates. Outsource warehousing to Global Logistics (GL) which will provide a centralized warehousing in Atlanta. Goods will be transported in bulk from Waltham to Atlanta and GL would take responsibility of inventory-control and delivery to the customers. This way SG would not have to bear the warehouse rental charges and could focus on increasing sales and develop newer products to meet customer needs. Evaluation of the proposed solutions Having proposed certain options for inventory management, the evaluation of the different options needs to be evaluated using certain parameters to arrive at a conclusion on which would be comparatively the better option to be followed for scientific glass. Evaluation of different options will be conducted based on the following five parameters: Transportation costs, Average inventory levels, Time responsiveness, Fill rates and Additional costs and benefits Since all the products of scientific glass can be arrived out based on the analysis of its 2 products namely Griffin and Erlenmeyer, since they are mentioned as the best representative for a total of nearly 3000 products of Scientific Glass, all the parameters are analyzed for these products to arrive at a conclusion. Transportation Costs: Transportation costs for different options would be calculated for the two products, namely Griffin and Erlenmeyer. In addition, for each option, demand for the next year calculated considering the 20% increase in sales. When warehouse to customer shipments are considered average shipment weight of 19, 5 pound is used and to have an average transportation cost value, these two products’ costs are averaged according to their relative proportion in sales. Inter-warehouse transshipments occur only when stock-out occurs and as the numbers of warehouses are decreasing, effect of these costs will be diminished; therefore, it is only considered in the option where there are 8 warehouses. Option Transportation cost($) Centralized warehouse – all customer shipments are calculated for rates of Winged Fleet 12210, 16 8 warehouses- having 8 warehouses and making no change, from Waltham to all other 7 warehouses all items are sent by bulk shipment. Inter-warehouse transshipments are calculated by bulk shipment rates and they are considered only when a stock-out occurs, therefore fill rate is included in these calculations 2701, 41 2 warehouses – , when two centralized warehouses considered, it is assumed that Waltham will supply east region, Phoenix will supply will west region and they will equally supply the central region 2332, 07 Outsourcing – when warehousing functions are outsourced, assuming the 5 regions of Global Logistics (GL) will have equal amount of demand 2276, 83 To conclude, as it is expected, when numbers of warehouses are decreased transportation costs are increased. From the aspect of transportation costs, GL option has the smallest cost amount. Average Inventory Levels: The inventory policy to be used by the company needs to be decided. Begin with the review type; although firm monitors the entire inventory transfers from Waltham warehouse to other warehouses; they think taking physical counts of inventory at all warehouses. Therefore, it is concluded that company uses periodic inventory review policy. Company did not mention any due date, therefore the inventory plans should consider infinite time horizon. Though there exists a fixed cost for shipments from warehouses to customers; there is no other fixed cost related to transportation to the warehouses, i.e. no fixed ordering cost. The only order cost is $0.40 per pound bulk shipment cost which is a variable cost with weight. As a result, all analysis can be conducted considering critical ratios and the related fill rate values, which is the only option that is left and also it is considered as the most applicable to the situation. Since some of the simultaneous changes can be done, considering ce teris paribus principle and when fill rate is maintained exactly as 99% for all warehouses, we can calculate the average inventory level that must be kept at warehouses. Weighted-average biweekly inventory levels are found as: 8 warehouses : 98853 2 warehouses : 68034 1 warehouse : 59703 Outsourcing : 59703 When outsourcing option is used, it will be the same for the company in the sense of kept inventory levels for the one-centralized-warehouse option therefore they are assumed to be equal. As number of warehouse decreases, level of inventory decreases as it is expected. This is because, â€Å"the greater the degree of collaboration, the lower the uncertainty (standard  deviation of the error or coefficient of variation) of the demand model† This implies that the money tied up in the inventory decreases and this extra capital can be used in other areas, like expansion plans to international markets Based on average inventory levels, either single centralized warehouse or outsourcing gives equal results. Time Responsiveness: Delivery system of the company compensates 2 weeks of shipment cycles including the stock-out situations. In order to be a market leader, differentiation on this subject is also needed and unfortunately since this is not an exact quantitative scale, only possible situations could be mentioned. For having one centralized, or two centralized or 8 decentralized warehouse options, they all include at most 3 days ready to shipment duration and Winged Fleet’s delivery time of at most 3 days if there is no stock-out situation and the stock-out probabilities are diminishing with the aggregated demands. On the other hand, GL has 1-day premium shipment in addition to 3-day regular shipments. Considering the highly growing market situation and different segment of products, having different delivery times to different products and also to different customers will make this company focus on the most yielding areas. Therefore, it can be said that working with GL has the advantage of differ entiating customers/orders and, since there will be 2 warehouses, stock-out probability and related durations will be less compared to other options. And all of these aspects will increase the time responsiveness of the company. Additional Costs and Benefits: Quantitative issues to related to options of inventory management In order to continue with the current 8 warehouses total of $10M investment is necessary, it is assumed that all of this amount will be equally shared among all warehouses. Since warehouse operating costs will be the 15% of the total warehoused inventory, these costs could be directly compared with the annual average inventory levels that are kept in each option The amount paid to sales forces will not change when the company has 1, 2 or 8 warehouses because it is assumed that as the number of warehouses decreased, number of salesperson per warehouse will increase and total number of sales persons will not change. On the other hand, when warehousing is outsourced this  amount will not be paid Qualitative issues to related to options of inventory management. When GL is used for warehousing, SG’s senior managers will be able to focus on increasing sales, marketing issues and developing next generation of products. Stopping the practice of trunk stock could lead to a decrease in the time responsiveness and therefore it should not be stopped. Improving the controlling systems will create a better understanding of the current situation after the warehousing functions changed. Finally, when GL is used, the approach of warehouse managers to keep more than 99% fill rate and 60-day-supply will not be a problem, because all of these operating issues will be responsibility of GL. This will help to company not to keep excessive amount of inventory and less tied-up money in the inventory which can be used in other areas. Fill Rate: Company’s fill rate policy should also be calculated for the different options. The company replaced the earlier fill rate policy of 93%, which is only marginally better that the industry average fill rate of 92%, with 99%. However, there is no sign that the company is implementing this policy because it is the best approach that must be taken for the company objectives. Moreover, using a fill rate higher than optimal level leads to higher inventories and more money tied up in the inventory. Therefore, company should lower the rates down to optimal levels, if there is no other concern related to market leadership or customer satisfaction. To calculate the optimal levels of fill rates for all four options the cost items which are added to underage and overage costs also needs to be considered. The underage costs are 10% of the gross margin and overage costs are 0.6% of the unit cost of any product. Also it is assumed that unit costs covers all the costs such as warehouse rental and operation costs, cost of capital and inventory write-offs. For the three options other than outsourcing, there is no change in cost items, only the multiplied quantities are changed; but the outsourcing alternative eliminates the 15% warehouse rental and operating costs and 1% inventory write-offs. As a result, overage costs are decreased while underage costs are increased. Resulting optimal fill rates are as follows: 1, 2, or 8 warehouses Outsourcing Griffin 95.4% 96.5% Erlenmeyer 94.9% 96.1% These numbers can be interpreted in two different ways: If company is flexible about the determination of fill rate, in other words if it can lower the fill-rates from 99% to optimal levels, outsourcing option pushes the optimal fill rates to higher levels which results in larger inventories and more money to tie up. If the company still insists on keeping fill rate at 99%, the additional costs that must be paid to maintain 99% fill-rate level is lowered in the outsourcing alternative. Consequently, the better policy related to fill rates depend on the attitude of the company. Finally, another policy change about fill-rates can be considered. Rather than using one fill-rate for over all products of the company, different rates for different products can help the company in decreasing inventory costs related to, at least, for some of the products. Conclusion To conclude, since available options are studied from different aspects, it must be mentioned that the company should choose the alternatives and compare the results of evaluations according to their priorities. For instance, evaluation criteria like inventory levels and transportation costs are conflicting on interests. Company can see their situation and make decisions according to priorities. While assessing the weights for factors, it is considered that average inventory level and the transportation costs are the most important costs for the company. Then, the fill rate follows them. Time responsiveness is the next important factor which is followed by additional costs and benefits with equal weights for each. Changes in warehouse management are considered as options other than outsourcing do not provide radical policy changes which could make warehousing management better. These weights and the scores related to the investigations yield that the outsourcing the warehousing  function to Global Logistics is the best alternative among all. All of investigations and cost studies conducted are to find the most cost effective option in order to getting closer to the target debt to capital ratio of the company and provide more capital to fund expansion into new international markets while maintaining or even improving the high customer satisfaction level

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Mutual Funds Essay

A mutual is a kind of investment-company that combines money from many investors and backers and invests the money in bonds, money-market instruments, stocks, other securities and sometimes even cash. A mutual fund in basic terms is a large group of people who lump their money together for management companies to invest. And, like most things in the world, there are fees and commissions involved. Mutual funds are managed by money managers, who capitalize the fund’s capital and try to produce capital gains and revenue for the fund’s investors. A mutual fund’s portfolio is organized and maintained to mimic the investment objectives defined in its catalogue. A mutual fund has many characteristics, which are listed below. Investors and backers purchase shares in the mutual fund from within the fund, or through a broker or fund agent, and cannot buy the shares from other backers on a secondary market such as the NASDAQ stock market or New York Stock Exchange. The amount that investors purchase their mutual funds shares for is the estimated net asset value or NAV per share in addition to any fees that the fund may charge at the time of purpose, such as sales charges, also known as sales loads. Mutual fund shares are convertible, meaning when an investor wants to sale their shares, they sell them back to the mutual fund or to a broker working for the fund at the net asset value less any fees the mutual fund may charge, such as deferred sales loads or reclamation fees. Mutual funds commonly sell their shares on a continuous basis, although some funds will stop selling when, for instance, they reach a certain level of assets under management. The investment portfolio of a mutual fund is typically managed by separate entities known as investment advisors that are registered with the SEC. Furthermore mutual funds themselves are registered with the SEC and subject to SEC regulation. There are many forms of mutual funds, which include index funds, stock funds, bond funds, and money market funds. Each type of mutual fund has a different investment objective, strategy and investment portfolio. Different mutual funds are also subject to different risks, volatility, and fees and expenses. Fees related to a mutual fund reduce returns on fund investments and are an important feature that investors should consider when buying mutual fund shares. Mutual funds come in two main types, categorized by how the fees are charged. The types are load mutual funds and no-load mutual funds. A load mutual fund charges for the shares/units purchased plus an initial transactions fee. The initial transaction fee is typically no more than 9% of the investment fund amount or can also be a standard fee contingent on the mutual fund provider. This fee is added to your purchase as a sales fee. There are a couple different types of load funds out there. Back-end loads mean the fee is charged when you redeem the mutual fund. A front-end load is the opposite of a back-end load and means the fee is charged up front. A no-load fund means investors and backers can buy and redeem the mutual fund units/shares whenever without a commission or sales charge. Some companies such as banks and broker-dealers may charge fees and commissions for the transaction and exchange of mutual funds. Many no-load funds charge a fee if you redeem them early. Most people endorse avoiding load funds altogether and studies have shown that load mutual funds and no load mutual funds offer the same return, however, one charges a commission fee. A 12B-1 fee is the yearly marketing or sharing fee on a mutual fund. The 12B-1 fee is treated as an operational expense and is incorporated in the fund’s expense ratio. The 12B-1 is usually between .25% – 1% of a fund’s net assets. The name of the fee comes from a segment of the Investment Company Act of 1940. An electronically traded fund or ETF is a security that follows an index, group of assets or commodity, but trades them like a stock on an exchange. Prices for ETFs change throughout the day when they are bought and sold. Because ETFs are traded like stock, they do not have NAVs calculated everyday. References 1. â€Å"U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Information on Mutual Funds†. U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Retrieved 2011-04-06. 2. Fink, Matthew P. (2008). The Rise of Mutual Funds. Oxford University Press. p. 9.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Business Forecasting and Data Analysis Method

Discuss about the Business Forecasting and Data Analysis Method. It has been evaluated that the stock price of GLB is lower pared to that of CRH. Hence, in order to increase its stock price, there are certain options available to the organisation to ensure petitive advantage in the Singapore market. One of such options is the stock repurchase, which would lead to increased demand of stock in the market. As a result, the price of GLB stock would rise in the market. In addition, stock repurchase would help GLB to convince the investors about the reliability of the stock, since the pany expects positive future performance in the market. Along with this, raising debt from the market of Singapore is another option available to GLB to boost its share price. This is because obtaining debt would minimise the overall risk of GLB; however, it is assumed that the organisation has not attained the point of financial distress. Furthermore, depending on the debt amount and way of obtaining the same, it could have positive impact on the share price of the organisation. It has been assessed that CRH has high stock market volatility, which could reduce the return on investments for the investors. Therefore, in order to deal with this situation, CRH is required to develop a plan of risk management to protect against any unanticipated loss with the help of insurance. It could adopt proactive steps for cross training to bat with such risk. As a result, when the stock price of CRH falls in the Singapore market, it could cover its losses from the insurance panies, which would not significantly affect the profitability of the organisation. Hence, it could be inferred that stock repurchase and raising debt are two alternatives available to GLB to boost its share price, while CRH needs to transfer the risk to insurance panies to hedge against the stock volatility. The above assignment aims to evaluate the stock price position of Cemebt Road Group (CRH) and Glanbia (GLB). The different statistical tools like descriptive statistics and inferential statistics have been used to increase the reliability of the conducted evaluation on the two above-mentioned organisations. With the help of inferential statistics, the hypothesis testing has been conducted. The descriptive statistics conducted include measures of central tendency and measures of dispersion. From the mean value puted, it is evident that the share price of CRH has been quite higher pared to GLB. This denotes that GLB has been highly effective in winning the trust of the investors due to higher dividend payout and returns on investments. The median value also depicts the identical scenario, in which the CRH has higher share price value than GLB. However, the standard deviation value depicts that the stock of CRH contains greater amount of risk. Therefore, the investors could be able to earn huge returns either on investments or below the expected returns. This has been validated with the regression ou es obtained. Therefore, a series of r mendations have been provided to both the organisations to improve their overall financial performance. GLB is r mended to conduct stock repurchase and raising debt from the Singapore market in order to boost its share price. This is because stock repurchase would help in increasing the stock demand, which would eventually lead to higher share price. In addition, raising debt would have positive impact on the share price; however, it is assumed that the organisation has not attained the point of financial distress. On the other hand, CRH is r mended to develop a risk management plan by transferring risk to the insurance panies. This is because when the stock price of CRH falls in the Singapore market, it could cover its losses from the insurance panies, which would not significantly affect the profitability of the organisation.

How did the Force Acts attack the Ku Klux Klan Essay

How did the Force Acts attack the Ku Klux Klan - Essay Example The Klan existed in three phases, but all of them focused on the same issues of racism. The success of the group was threatened and wiped by several Acts that were passed to protect the Black and minority in the society. The success of the Klan was due to political support and lack of proper legislation to protect the right of the blacks. With the problem of insecurity, in the slums, it was easier for the group to unleash terror to the Blacks who lived in the slums (Brands, Breen and Williams 390). Additionally, the three generations of the Klan were focused on making the lives of the immigrants worse through abuse and violence with the most affected being the black population. Most of the Klan based their argument on descent by claiming they were from the original British colonial revolutionaries. The Klan was politically linked to the Democratic Party with main support coming from the desire to restore white supremacy (Brands, Breen and Williams 392). The group with the support of political leader killed thousands of Negros. The covering of the face ensured that they evade prosecution, but fear of the southern democrat created a change in the political support. The group was eliminated by the passage of the force bills. These bills offered protection for the Black community and ensured the influence of the Klan was reduced. The force Acts are a series of four Acts passed by the US congress, to protect the rights of the Blacks. They are the 14th and 15th amendments of the American constitution. The act gave power to the federal authorities to penalize any interference in services offered to the African American. The violations produced over 5,000 indictments with the Supreme Court later ruling that some parts of the Acts were unconstitutional. The Acts offered protection to the black through enforcing support and legal redress in case of violations (Brands, Breen and Williams 400). The Act of April 20 1871

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Financial Mangement Decisions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Financial Mangement Decisions - Essay Example With an interest of capital at 10% seeing from the NPV table we multiply the values with the respective year cash flow. Then we add all the present values and subtract the initial investment to reach the NPV. The NPV is $1,021,901. The NPV shows a huge and positive value of $1.2 million. The accounting theory says that any project with a positive NPV should be accepted. This criterion is met and it is the most important criteria since it keeps the time value of money into consideration for the whole stream of the cash flows. Any changes done in the above cash flows can and cannot change the decision. However this depends on the value of the change at the end of the project. The additional building would have to be further depreciated and this may cause the change in decision. And depending on the amount of money invested the NPV could also become negative leading to a change in decision. Also it needs to be noted that the payback period is very close to the 3 year policy of the company. If the payback period changes and goes over the 3 year mark, then the project would be rejected. Question - Many corporate acquisitions result in losses to the acquiring firms' stockholders. Accordingly, why do firms purchase other corporations Are they simply paying too much for the acquired corporation A co-worker asks your opinion. Specifically state the reasons for your argument. According to a research done by Sara Moeller, Frederik ... 1,021,901 3) Based on your answer for question 2, do you think the project should be accepted Why Assume Superior has a P/B (payback) policy of not accepting projects with life of over three years. Yes, the project should be accepted based on the calculations done above. The NPV shows a huge and positive value of $1.2 million. The accounting theory says that any project with a positive NPV should be accepted. This criterion is met and it is the most important criteria since it keeps the time value of money into consideration for the whole stream of the cash flows. The criterion set by Superior is also met as the payback is less than three years (2 years 11 months). Since both criterions are met, it is advised that this project should be accepted. 4) If the project required additional investment in land and building, how would this affect your decision Explain. Any changes done in the above cash flows can and cannot change the decision. However this depends on the value of the change at the end of the project. The additional building would have to be further depreciated and this may cause the change in decision. And depending on the amount of money invested the NPV could also become negative leading to a change in decision. Also it needs to be noted that the payback period is very close to the 3 year policy of the company. If the payback period changes and goes over the 3 year mark, then the project would be rejected. Part Two Question - Many corporate acquisitions result in losses to the acquiring firms' stockholders. Accordingly, why do firms purchase other corporations Are they simply paying too much for the acquired corporation A co-worker asks your opinion. Specifically state the reasons for your argument. In your own words, please provide a

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Extra Cridets Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Extra Cridets - Essay Example Extra Credits was first viewed on The Escapist from 2010 to 2011. It was developed in 2008. This was the time when Floyd came up with two video presentations (Harris 118). The presentations were meant for media theory and respective art history classes. The classes were held at Savannah College, a school of art and design. The series of videos in Extra Credit are presented in a loosely modeled style. The director of the video, Floyd, makes use of pitch-shifting technique to come up with a unique and high-pitched voice. Portnow wrote the episode scripts for Extra Credits. Floyd then redefined the scripts for recording. Floyd also edited the video series. The show in Extra Credit is presented in a lecture hall style. The tone of the series in the film is humorous and light-hearted. However, the tone is also didactic since it is aimed at raising discussions on the major subject being presented. The shows in Extra Credit target game designers (Harris

Friday, July 26, 2019

Explain Mysticism and how it relates to Christiany Research Paper

Explain Mysticism and how it relates to Christiany - Research Paper Example ............................................. 6. Conclusion............................................................................................................... Thesis Statement: Religion and Mysticism are complimentary in nature, and Christianity has very closer association with Mysticism that stresses the need for prayer and meditation in one’s life. Introduction Mysticism has often been regarded as concept with a deeper level meaning in almost all religions of the world. It is the close association mysticism with religion that very often leads many to consider it as quite equal to some of the religions. But a closer analysis will certainly unveil mysticism as a different perspective from religious teachings. Even a mere observation will be sufficient enough for unearthing this close association and it is identifiable that some of the religions are proclaiming some of the aspects of mysticism. Among the religions that are very much associated with mysticism Christi anity stands to be a supreme one. Many researchers have clearly recognised this close association and have affirmed the closer relationship of Christianity with mysticism. The proximity between Christianity to mysticism had led many to think to supplement one with another. In a closer look one can find out that these two are different even though some apparent similarities are there. The closeness of mysticism and Christianity paves for the analytical study between these two. The proposed study is aimed to explore the close association between Christianity and Mysticism. Various factors concerning both Christianity and Mysticism will be analysed in the paper and specifically, the researcher will endeavour to establish the fact that religion and Mysticism are complimentary. The essay takes note on the relationship of Christian teachings to mysticism and will analyse the major components of mysticism and Christianity through comparative studies intended to expose their relation. There fore, the study proposes the thesis that, religion and Mysticism are complimentary in nature, and Christianity has very closer association with Mysticism that stresses the need for prayer and meditation in one’s life. What is mysticism? Researchers have often been expressed their difficulty in properly defining mysticism. Of course, the word mysticism is originated from Greek culture. Some regard it as quite similar to asking a foolish question like what beauty is. However, different religions attribute different aspects to mysticism. Many have observed it as more difficult to define than socialism and the words of William Ralph Inge makes it crystal clear when he reveals the various attributes of Mysticism. He says, â€Å"Sometimes it [mysticism] is used as an equivalent for symbolism or allegorism, sometimes for theosophy or occult science; and sometimes it merely suggests the mental state of a dreamer, or vague and fantastic opinions about God and the world† (Inge, 16). It clearly indicates the fact that defining mysticism is not easier as one thinks. The Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary defines mysticism as, ‘the belief that knowledge of God and the real truth can be found through prayer and meditation rather than through reason and the senses.’ A more acceptable fact regarding mysticism can be identified with Margaret Smith when she rightly commented thus, â€Å"Mysticism itself represents something much wider than its derivation: it represents a spiritual tendency which is universal, for we find it in

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Issues Related to Communication in Contemporary Society Essay

Issues Related to Communication in Contemporary Society - Essay Example Culture has a great impact on communication in society for a variety of reasons. Among these is that culture provides the information that will help in understanding each other hence the eventual successful communication (Giri, 1). Culture in brief can be defined as all the activities and events that make up the life of a people who stay at certain geographical area. Through culture people are able to socialise and in this it provides the information and tools that will be in communication. Culture normally gives the norms and habits that are acceptable. In order to fit into a society one has to be able to be as everyone else. By this they have to adopt all the beliefs and norms in the society. Failure to this will lead to one being treated as an outsider and in such instances the information availed becomes limited and reduces the chances of being able to communicate. In addition without socialization, the ability to communicate may be hampered due to being unable to understand the practices of a people hence limiting the level of communication that can take place (Hauben, 2). How Culture Impacts on Communication According to Giri (1), to every culture there a certain behaviour that the males and females depending on the age will be prescribed. Hence according to the culture there will be certain institutional cultures that will be allowed along with roles in gender. Failure to observe this can lead to alienation by the society. Hence in order for an individual to properly communicate in society there is the need to act and behave within these standards in order to be accepted. Among this include the communication aspect, in this there are topics and approaches that certain genders and ages have to adopt. This will clearly impact on the level of communication as they will consider the topics and people to talk to. In addition, depending on the culture one will develop views that may be associated to either the culture or political background and this will affe ct the approach to various issues. The conversational styles learned from the culture in the society are another factor to consider as it will impact on the way one talks and acts in various situations. The culture also shapes the kind of person will become. Through to the culture and values that are practiced the personality of a person becomes shaped. In this they end having low self-esteem or the level of disclosure will also be impacted. Through this the person will limit the amount of information that they give out and receive. In doing so, the ability to communicate is hampered as no free flow of information will be able to take place. Another issue about culture is that it provides the tool that is used commonly on the day-to-day communication. By this it implies the language that is used. Each society has a culture and in this culture will be the language that is used. If one does not belong to the society, they will definitely not know the language in use and in this will b ring out the biggest challenge to communication. Hence the need to know the language in use cannot be overemphasised (Jandt, 294). Novinger (1), states that in a culture there are a certain pattern of habits and bodily behaviours that help in the interpersonal behaviours. Besides, there also the various parameters that are used in the context of interpersonal interaction. Most of the parameters

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Dentist Office Proposal Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Dentist Office - Research Proposal Example This happens because the government posts a facility’s Medicare acceptance standing on medical assistance literature material and on government websites. The state government further offers free advertisements that attract patients to the healthcare facility (Ketler 49). This is considerably helpful in the foremost days of health care practice when the facility leaders need to strengthen their business practice in the community for them to remit meager business loans and debts from the medical school. There is an assured income source when a health care organization accepts Medicare. The state and federal governments jointly fund Medicaid social programs to avail services on a continual fashion. The government assures payment if the eligibility rule concerns a medical procedure that the organization’s medical practice prescribes (Sisks 52). The health care organization does not have to hunt the patient down in order to secure their income or adjusting treatment fees to make sure that the patient could afford or medical care. This offers security in the projection of anticipated revenues and enable the medical providers meet their monetary obligations. Joining Medicaid would ensure a positive economic impact on the business environment and the entire state economy. Through this, there would be augmented job opportunities, state and income tax revenue within the entire healthcare sector and more owing to the induced multiplier effect of expenditure (Sisks 54). Medicaid has an immensely competitive health insurance market in states that have accepted the social program. Joining such a program would immensely benefit the health care organization by placing it in a competitive community where people value, afford and procure health care, thus promoting good health and affluence in the community, state and the entire nation (Ketler 36). Demerits While the federal government’s departments and agencies assure payment for eligible Medicaid treatment s and procedures, such entities also take control over the recommended fees for such services. This means that medical practitioners do not have the mandate to determine their charges for clinical procedures on Medicaid patients (Russell 82). Apparently, this makes the health care provider a â€Å"middleman† between the government department remitting payments and the patient. The government may control and restrict standard charges, regardless of whether it seems inappropriate for the medical practitioner. The health care center plans to serve its community members, promote good health nationwide, generate income and serve every patient regardless of cost or complexity of reported diseases. However, the government is the chief dictator of medical services that health care practitioners ought to provide under Medicaid. This may push a practitioner to conform to the government’s prescribed course of medical care rather that treating the patient in the best way. A low-in come Medicaid patient may be unable to afford the cost of a definitive cure f the government has not prescribed it in the list of medical care available under the Medicaid social program (Sisks 51) The health care provider capacity is insufficient and may worsen in future. The contemporary provider capacity, especially the capacity of emergency departments, safety net providers and primary care

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Germany and the Germans Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Germany and the Germans - Essay Example According to the research "Germany and the Germans" findings Judea Declares War on Germany is a film which suggests that World War II was started by Jews who launched an economic boycott of Germany soon after Hitler's rise to power. The argument puts forward the premise that Germany was only defending itself following this attack, and that the war truly began with the Jewish declaration in 1933. Germany's position in the war was therefore not offensive, but defensive. This suggestion is completely ridiculous. No serious historian believes this, and the creators of this so-called documentary would not pass a fifth-grade history test. Germany's position throughout the 1930s was offensive. Hitler's views of Jews were well known from his book Mein Kampf. This documentary distorts history and is only useful as an example of anti-Semitic propaganda. Benjamin Freedman's speech in the 1960s, called Germany and the Jews: The Role of the Jews in WWI and WWII, is a similar example of historical revisionism and distortion. He talks about how many Jews were Communists and how Jews tried to control Germany after its loss in the First World War. All of this is the same kind of anti-Semitic propaganda as discussed above. It is not historically factual and it is offensive to those who understand what really happened during this years. Again claims are made that Jews control all of the media and all of the finance, again these so-called facts are not backed up with any evidence. The speech is all innuendo and makes belief.

Importance of Gertrude and Ophelia Essay Example for Free

Importance of Gertrude and Ophelia Essay The love a man has for his mother and the love he has for his girlfriend/fiance/wife are two different kinds of love that always seems to conflict one another. The mother and the female companion usually really like each other or they hate each other. In Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Gertrude and Ophelia has a steady relationship with each other. But Gertrude’s relationship Hamlet starts off as unhappy and ends with death. Throughout the play Hamlet is questioning Gertrude’s love for him and his father which cause their once steady relationship to shaken. For Ophelia and Hamlet, both were so in love, but later in the play shows Ophelia worrying about Hamlet and her love for him slowly diminishing. Gertrude and Ophelia have their own important role in the play with how they affect Hamlet’s decisions all through the play. Hamlet’s mother, Gertrude, begins the play with Hamlet upset with her for marrying his uncle, Claudius. She does not see what is wrong with the marriage and tries to tell Hamlet to get over his father’s death. The Act I clearly show that Gertrude’s and Hamlet’s mother-son relationship will never as it once was. Gertrude still tries to help Hamlet throughout the play by trying to convince Claudius to leave Hamlet alone and that Hamlet feels guilt for what he has done. Hamlet hesitate killing Claudius because he is now Gertrude’s husband and Hamlet may unconsciously feel a connection with Claudius as his stand by father. If Gertrude never married Claudius, then Hamlet would probably have the confidence to kill Claudius when he found out that he was the one that killed his father. All through the play Gertrude protects Hamlet. She unknowingly adds fuel to the flame that is Hamlet’s detestation for the marriage. With Gertrude playing the â€Å"victim† in Claudius’, Hamlet has someone who will remain faithful to him. If Gertrude knew about the plan to kill Hamlet’s father, then Hamlet would never have stayed to revenge his father’s death because the Hamlet does not have enough courage to do so. Ophelia is the daughter of Polonius and her life seems to not be under her control. Her decisions are made by what Polonius or Hamlet tells her to do. Ophelia is sweet and innocent ompared to Gertrude’s incestuous act. Ophelia keeps Hamlet calm since she is the most stable person that he has in his life. But later Ophelia goes wild because Hamlet is also crazy. Most of the characters believe that Ophelia is acting this way because of the death of her father, Polonius, but in actuality it is because Hamlet turned on her. Ophelia’s innocence was taken by Hamlet and it caused her to not listen to the advice from her brother, Laertes. Ophelia received most of Hamlet’s anger that was meant to be directed towards his mother instead. She was there for Hamlet to relieve any built up tension he had. Ophelia denied that Hamlet did not lover her, but when she died Hamlet is seen at her funeral confessing his love for Ophelia to Laertes saying that he did not mean to cause Ophelia’s death. Both Gertrude and Ophelia were the safety nets for Hamlet in the play. Even though Hamlet felt as if he could trust know one the two women in the play were meant to keep Hamlet alive as long as possible. Between Claudius killing Hamlet’s father, and Gertrude and Ophelia not knowing this fact helped push Hamlet’s verdict on what he is going to do. Shakespeare put the Gertrude and Ophelia in the play to maintain the balance of good and evil, purity and sin.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Eddies death Essay Example for Free

Eddies death Essay In a view from the bridge, the theme of justice is consistent throughout, particularly at the end. The five main points I am going to talk about in this essay are Alfieri and his monologues, Eddie phoning immigration on the cousins, Marcos hatred towards Eddie at the end of the play, leading swiftly on to Eddies death. Other words associated with justice are vengeance, betrayal and revenge. Starting with Alfieri and his monologues, we can see that, being a lawyer, Alfieri values the law, more than justice. We can see this when he says most of the time we settle for half and I like it better, by this, we can see that when he says settle for half he means that the written law may not always act in favor of justice, yet it is better to follow the law than to take it into your own hands. He says that he likes it better like this, which also supports this, he sees that when people go against the law to assert justice, it can lead to conflict and death, which he does not support. Alfieri also says Justice is very important here, the keywords in the quote are important and, evidently, justice, they show how meaningful justice is in the neighborhood in which the play is set, which subtly informs the audience of an ongoing theme which is to be raised at some point in the play, maybe more than once. This prepares the audience for coming conflicts because when one thinks of justice, like Alfieri, they know it can lead to conflict and death, therefore creating dramatic tension. In addition, Alfieri says Only God makes justice, which further supports the quote above, suggesting that Alfieri is a strong believer of the law, and that people should not take justice into their own hands, that is Gods job. This may lead the audience to believe that Alfieri believes in fate, whats meant to be is meant to be, and if that one person deserves justice, God will serve it to them. Moving on to the next point, Eddie phoning immigration on the cousins. Eddie says, Give me the number of the immigration bureau, using the imperative give me, like an order, rather than asking politely for the number suggests to the audience that Eddie is making an irrational move, out of spite, maybe, because of his anger towards the cousins. Throughout the play, Eddie shows his status as high and powerful, trying to force this onto the cousins, too. When the cousins arrived, his status was knocked, and because of his delusions about Rodolpho being gay, he subconsciously created divides in his relationships with Beatrice and Catherine, because they were not seeing what he thought he saw. This angered him, and lead the audience to believe that, by turning the cousins in, Eddie thought he was rightfully serving justice, when, in fact he was purely making a selfish move to reclaim his status and have his relationships with Beatrice and Catherine restored. Furthermore, Eddie later says, after having had Marco spit in his face, Ill kill you for that you son of a bitch. By using the threat, Ill kill you suggests that Eddie wants to get revenge on Marco for embarrassing him in public, and deliberately lowering his status. The language and tone that Eddie uses is both violent and aggressive, which are also key traits and features of someone seeking justice. An example of this in everyday life are stories like 9/11, where a group of terrorists believed that had been wronged, they therefore committed an illegal act, driving two planes into the twin towers and consequently claiming the lives of hundreds of innocent people in a violent and aggressive manner. In their minds, however, the terrorists thought they were claiming their justice on the world who they believed had been unfair to them. Eddies story is like this in the way that he felt his status fading, he felt betrayed by Beatrice and Catherine for not backing him up, so, by phoning immigration on the cousins, he felt he was serving his justice, they would be deported back to Italy, and he would reclaim his status in the house he shares with Beatrice and Catherine. In his mind, he felt the victims, Rodolpho and Marco were getting the justice they deserved, when, in fact, they were completely innocent, Eddie had only deluded himself with his obsession that Rodolpho was gay, and his love for Catherine that he made the irrational decision of turning the cousins in. Another story of revenge like this, is in Hamlet, when his fathers ghost came to him, telling him that Claudius had poisoned him. Hamlets swears revenge, and does so violently and aggressively, killing Polonius, the eavesdropping court chamberlain. Several events occur, leading to a duel between Polonius son, Laertes, and Hamlet. This example also supports Alfieris view that revenge can lead to conflict and death, because the result of the duel ends with the death of Gertrude, Laertes, Claudius and Hamlet. Marcos hate towards Eddie, is similar to that of Laertes towards Hamlet, whose actions lead to the death of Polonius, Laertes father, and Ophelia, Laertes sister, who loved Hamlet but was driven to madness by his actions and died by drowning. Eddies actions, phoning the immigration bureau on the cousins lead to Marcos hate towards Eddie. Marco says That one! He killed my children! That one stole the food from my children! , he says this because once he is sent back to Italy, he will no longer have a job and will no longer be able to provide for his children. Because of this, Marco, like Laertes, wanted to get revenge, and spat in Eddies face, embarrassing him in front of the whole neighborhood. Marco also says In my country, he would be dead by now. He would not live this long, this suggests that although his action of spitting in Eddies face was, while being degrading towards Eddie, was actually quite minimal, because this quote suggests that, given the chance, Marco would have killed Eddie for betraying his family. Marco feels that this would be the rightful punishment for Eddies actions. Consequently, later in the play, Marco gets his wishes. When him and Eddie confront, a fight is initiated and Eddie pulls a knife. Eddie yells You lied about me, Marco. Now say it. Come on now, say it! , this behavior by Eddie is completely out of spite and is irrational anger, he is so obsessed with his opinions about Rodolpho, and further angered by the previous events when the immigration officers showed that he is using provoking language and tone which leads Marco to lunge, screaming Anima-a-a-a-l! and resultedly leads to Eddies death. The word animal is lengthened and is shouted in action. Marco is so angered by Eddie and is so taken over by emotion that he lunges towards Eddie and kills him, therefore avenging him for what he has done to his family. These points effectively highlight some of the main events in the play that are related to the theme of justice. They show that justice was a theme not only brought up once, but consistently throughout the play. Justice is evidently a main theme in the play, and, without it, would result in a boring play with no proper story. This shows that justice is an effective theme and keeps the audiences attention because it creates tension and therefore, interest.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Demise of Woolworths

The Demise of Woolworths Research Proposal Title: The Demise of Woolworths Abstract: This report focuses on the reasons for the downfall of nearly century old retail Woolworths. This report will deals with the financial aspects of this company which led to such a tragic end. The financial aspects of Woolworths will be evaluated with the help of Key Financial Indicators and Ratios which will be taken into consideration while arriving at a conclusion. The introduction to Key Financial Indicators and Ratios and their calculations respectively, will be demonstrated as the research progresses. Methodology and Analysis of this research will depend on these Key Financial Indicators and Ratios of Woolworths and then the conclusion of this report will be reached. Introduction: An introduction to Key Financial Indicators and Ratios. Below are a few Indicators and ratios on which any companys finances are evaluated to conclude how healthy a business or a company is. Balance Sheet: ‘ It is a financial statement that lists the assets, liabilities and equity of a company at a specific point in time and is used to calculate the net worth of a business. (Source: Profit Loss Statement: ‘The purpose of the Profit Loss Statement is to present the income and expense items for a business, grouped according to the nature of the transaction, in a manner that allows the user to easily review the income, expenditure and profitability of the business. (Source: Key financial indicators and ratio are determined through the information contained in both Balance sheet and Profit Loss account. The Key Financial Indicators are: †¢ Net Turnover: This is the Net turnover against investment. †¢ Net Operating Profit or Loss, as a percentage of net turnover †¢ Profit or Loss before Taxes as a percentage of net turnover †¢ Return on Equity †¢ Return on assets †¢ Equity to assets †¢ Return on Investment †¢ Return on Capital Equity †¢ Net Gearing Gearing Ratios (Source: http://www.rahoitustarkastus) Background: An Introduction to Woolworths: Frank Woolworths started a retail store in Britain 99 years ago i.e, in 1909 and called his store F.W Woolworths. He was an American retailer, who started his retailing career in 1879 in America. First retail outlet of Woolworths in Britain was on Church Street in Liverpool. The very concept of Woolworths was clear right from the beginning; it sold everything from merchandise to household from three pence onwards to six pence. The idea behind the Woolworths pricing was to introduce a low cost retail store, where people can buy almost everything under one roof for as low as six pence. Woolworths was already a strong competitor to the existing retail stores in Britain. The Evolution of Woolworths then took place and this retail store was an instant hit in Britain, after a decade there was a new store opening every 17 days. The other speciality of Woolworths was the concept of pick ‘ n mix which was a completely new concept to British high streets, this was also a result to Woolworths becoming an instant hit in Britain. It was the first retail chain in Britain , and so it did keep the pace with the rapidly growing consumer demand. It also constantly kept updating its fashion products, merchandise, and entertainment. From its first inception till the very recent times, it had undergone numerous ups and downs in its business. In Late 90s Woolworths started to slip from its position in the London Stock Exchange, and the share prices were decreasing constantly, giving a chance to its competitors in this new generation to build a strong position in the market of retail chain. After this Woolworths failed to meet the changing customer demands and hence its market was taken over by a number of new competitors in the market. Woolworths is still familiar and fondly remembered as a 99 year old retail chain but, as the customer demands changed which proved that Woolworths couldnt keep the pace with the changing customer needs and finally ended itself in an unrecoverable position. This impact was even more intense because of the credit crunch. Aims: †¢ To investigate if business operations of Woolworths led to its demise. †¢ To investigate if the financial condition of Woolworths, led to its demise Objectives: †¢ To indentify if there was an operational failure, that led to Woolworths demise †¢ To identify if the financial condition of Woolworths, led to its demise. Research Questions: †¢ To what extent business operations of Woolworths influence its demise? †¢ Was the demise of Woolworths predictable from the companys financial situation before its demise? Methodology: The data will be collected from different sources like newspapers, journals, reports of the financial status of the company before the downfall. Companys Balance sheets will be collected to identify if there were any short comings in the companys finances that led to its demise. Key Financial Indicators and Ratios will be explained in brief and the formulae for calculating the ratios will be explained as they are in the theories. Also the articles on the same will be collected. The data collected will be purely financial data or the data which indicate the financial status of the company. Reports, journals and articles will be collected to understand how Woolworths failed as a business after 99 years of its first inception. Different views of the authors, writers and public will be taken into consideration while evaluating the data. Data will be collected to focus on the operations of Woolworths and its effects on Woolworths demise. Data will collected to analyse how Woolworths operated before the demise and nearing its demise. The overall aspects of operations that will be focussed are marketing, sales, business strategy as a whole group in order to analyse the operations of Woolworths. Analysis: After the data has been collected from the above mentioned sources, it will be evaluated by comparing it with the concepts like Key Financial Indicators and Ratios in theories, textbooks and other journals, and then a conclusion will be reached. The analysis of the companys balance sheets of last three years will be put through this rigorous comparison against the ideal financial situation described in theories and textbooks and will be then evaluated to reach to a conclusion. The data from the reports and journals will be evaluated through different key business strategies and other aspects of business like Marketing etc to reach to a conclusion whether or not Woolworths could change itself to the changing needs to the consumers. The other reports from various authors will help us to investigate whether there were one or more reasons for its downfall. This will also help the argument in the case of Woolworths downfall by authors and writers in different sources. The operations of Woolworths will be gauged in terms of business planning, customer service, marketing, competition, various sales techniques and overall business strategy. Definitions and the theories of the above mentioned topics by authors and textbooks will be used as the reference to evaluate the efficiency levels in operations of Woolworths. Woolworths operations will be studied in detail from the data sources and will be compared to the business operations theories by authors to evaluate the efficiency in operations of Woolworths and then a conclusion will be reached. Conclusion: To be Obtained. Bibliography: †¢ Streetwise Financing the Small Business: Raise Money for Your Business at Any Stage of Growth, By Charles H. Green. Published by Adams Media, 2003. †¢ Results: How to Assess Performance, Learning, and Perceptions in Organizations, By Richard A. Swanson, Ed Holton, Elwood F. Holton. Published by Berrett-Koehler, 1999 †¢ Finance for Non-Financial Managers: A Briefcase Book, By Gene Siciliano. Published by McGraw-Hill Professional, 2003 †¢ The Basics of Finance: Financial Tools for Non-Financial Managers, By Bryan E. Milling. Published by iUniverse, 2003. †¢ The Essentials of Finance and Accounting for Nonfinancial Managers, By Edward Fields. Published by AMACOM Div Mgmt Assn, 2002. †¢ International Business: Environments and Operations, By John D. Daniels, Lee H. Radebaugh, Michael Payne. Published by Addison-Wesley, 1995. †¢ The Disaster Recovery Handbook: A Step-by-step Plan to Ensure Business Continuity and Protect Vital Operations, Facilities, and Assets, By Michael Wallace, Lawrence Webber. Published by AMACOM Div Mgmt Assn, 2004. †¢ Intro to Business: Finance, Marketing, Operations, Management, By Les Dlabay, James L. Burrow, Steven A. Eggland, Jim Burrow. Published by Thomson South-Western, 2005. †¢ Operations Management in Business, By Andrew Greasley. Published by Nelson Thornes, 1999. †¢ Hoovers Handbook of World Business 2004: Profiles of Major Global Enterprises, By Hoovers, Incorporated, Hoovers, Incorporated. Published by Hoovers, Incorporated, 2004. †¢ Business Review Weekly: BRW, Published by Business Review Weekly, 2006. †¢ The Revitalisation of Woolworths Case Study, By Dennis Turner, Australian Graduate School of Management Centre for Corporate Change, Centre for Corporate Change. Published by Centre for Corporate Change, 1992. †¢ Remembering Woolworths: A Nostalgic History of the Worlds Most Famous Five-and-Dime, By Karen Plunkett-Powell. Published by St. Martins Press, 2001. †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢

Saturday, July 20, 2019

gene and our Destiny Essay --

It is pretty difficult for one to understand or realize what determine our destiny. Even though genes influence every aspect of human physiology, development, and adaptation there are many questions left unanswered. For instance, what influences or determines my sense of who I am? What makes me distinct from other people? To what extent do I determine my own destiny? Does gene make me addicted to crime, alcoholism or drug abuse? What is the relationship between one’s intelligent and gene? How does science inform human identity? In an attempt to answer this questions various researchers have come up with contradicting ideas in determining if our characteristics and behaviors are primarily due to genetics or the environment in which we live. There are many issues and aspects of lives that influence us daily. These aspects create different situations that lead us to determine our path and destiny. To begin with, our similarities to our parents in personality is entirely genetic, we are born with a set of genes that never change. For instance, during conception two set of genes joint together into one and from that moment D.N.A starts to determine certain characteristics that we possess. For example, we all accept that gene determines our eye color, height, blood type, gender, color of the hair and other biological factors. But scientists have begun exploring the role of gene in our behaviors, many believe that the power of gene determines all consequences in our lives and others believe that genes do not determine everything in a person life. Many studies have been done to find out whether our destiny is written in gene or determined by circumstances. All this studies reveals that gene may determine how we behave in a given situat... that can influence us both positively and negatively. By doing something constantly make perfect exercise make us healthier and the more we learn, the more lifestyle or nurture seems to play in determining our characteristics as individuals. Lifestyle factors such as diet and exercise have a profound role in health and fitness and may offer even further benefits. Passion, drive, and hard work are perhaps just as important to success as a natural-born ability. Genes tell us a lot about who we are physically, socially and mentally but environment also play a key role. We as members of human species we are born to change. Our destiny we make ourselves despite the factors we have no control over them. So the answer to whether the genes determine our destiny is still out. It appears that both gene and environment may be equally important in determining who we are.

KAKA E :: essays research papers

Barker White MC-400 WED Privacy: Chapters 7 & 8   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  What is privacy? What makes our lives private? Privacy is a law today that has not been known for very long. The idea of privacy that everyone has running through their minds is just to be left alone. In reality what constitutes the crossing of the privacy line. It wasn’t until 1890 when two men wrote in the Harvard Law Review about the â€Å"The Right to Privacy.? The two men were Samuel D. Warren and Louis D. Brandeis, the two were young lawyers who had the sense to right papers on what they thought were Americans rights to privacy. After their ideas were published they attempted to pass their knowledge on to the court systems asking to make laws that would follow their papers. Most court systems did not accept there law until 13 years later when the state of New York passed the first privacy law. The law prohibited the commercial exploitation of an individual (Pember 240).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The privacy law that the state of New York adapted well and began spreading to many states but not vert fast, it took roughly 90 years to get the law spread. Mainly because the most of the courts used the Bill of Rights as a persons?privacy protection. To this day there are states that still do not have individual privacy rights. As our government more clearly defines our privacy rights then more states will join in on adopting the rights to their laws. Within the past couple years the government has developed for different torts that would accuse somebody in invasion of privacy. The torts are listed as following:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  1. Appropriation of name or likeness for trade purposes (Pember 241)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  2. Intrusion upon an individual’s solitude (Pember 241)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  3. Publication of private information about an individual (Pember 241)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  4. Publishing material that puts an individual in a false light (Pember 241) From the time that these torts were declared as the rights to privacy the law became much more complicated than before.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The first form of invasion of privacy is appropriation and the book defines it as taking a person’s name, picture, photograph, or likeness and using it for a commercial gain without permission (Pember 241). In laymen terms a person cannot impersonate another without the permission of the person being impersonated. This tort is the biggest of the four when it comes invasion of privacy. Of all the torts, appropriation is the oldest and the most comprehensible until more has been added on. An obvious case to relate how the basic form of appropriation works it

Friday, July 19, 2019

Sozology and Ecophilosophy: Sciences of the 20th Century :: Sozology Ecophilosophy Essays

Sozology and Ecophilosophy: Sciences of the 20th Century ABSTRACT: This paper contains a synthesized profile of sozology and ecophilosophy, sciences of the end of the 20th century. Sozology is defined as the science of the systematic protection of the biosphere from the destructive effects on it from the anthroposphere. On the other hand, ecophilosophy is understood as the science whose object of study is the essence and nature of the socio-natural environment, its quantitative and qualitative properties and the causal dependence between the anthroposphere and biosphere. I hope that both these sciences will enter permanently into the world’s educational systems in the 21st century. Introduction The present article aims to present a synthesis of the characteristic features of epistemological sozology (1) and ecophilosophy (2) as sciences of the end of the twentieth century. The profile of sozology will take into account above all an analysis of the concepts involved in this science, a construction of its definition, a description of its object of study and an indication of the characteristic features of sozological scientific research — especially interdisciplinariness and systematicity. On the other hand in the profile of ecophilosophy it is necessary to take into account its various conceptions, define the object of study and outline the content-related problems. 1.1 The understanding of sozology The term "sozology" comes form the Greek word ????? which means "to protect", "to rescue". Walery Goetel (1) introduced this term to Polish scientific terminology in 1965. According to him this term means the protection of the natural human environment. Thirty years have passed since then. The term "sozology" was enriched with a new content which thereby broadened its scope. An expression of this is the rich literature on the subject and this term is used more and more frequently to define sciences concerning environment protection. In the word "sozology" two aspects are taken into consideration: the content and the scope. (2) In the connotational aspect the methodological and thematic elements of this name are indicated, but in the aspect concerning its scope the designations marking its range are pointed to. From the methodological standpoint of the content of the name "sozology" people speak above all about methods serving to research the object of this science. Here the empirical, humanist, philosophical and systemic methods are distinguished. From the thematic standpoint of the term "sozology" the questions and problems within the range of scientific sozological research are stressed. As an example problems and questions are mentioned here like:

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Emotionless Irrationality Essay

As attested by Dr. Deborah Schurman-Kauflin, the women who murder their children are always ‘narcissistic’ and dramatic (Schurman-Kauflin, 2009). Casey Anthony had an ‘out of sight, out of mind’ outlook following the disappearance of her child Caylee; Casey had always made it clear that she considered taking care of her child a burdensome task. This narcissism and aloofness has caused a wide majority of people in the court of public opinion who are decidedly in favor of a guilty verdict for Anthony. The ‘out-of-sight, out-of-mind’ mentality was clear in the on-going socializing events and parties which continued to occur after her child was gone. Additionally, Casey has shown no outward signs of depression or remorse since her child disappeared. Her promiscuity and partying habits were not deterred by the disappearance of Caylee. In fact, Schurman-Kauflin   suggests the disappearance created a sense of liberation in Casey Anthony, due to the fact that having children is likened to ‘being grounded’ to a narcissistic personality (Schurman-Kauflin, 2009). Her silence in the face of interrogation is parallel to what Dr. Schurman-Kauflin said she saw when she interviewed female serial killers. Female killers tend to believe that if they remain silent, people will believe nothing wrong happened (Ibid). Casey Anthony will likely receive a verdict of guilty, following the overwhelming belief harbored by a majority of news followers who believe she is guilty. The general public has ried out for vengeance for so long, concerning Caylee, that there is little likelihood Casey will be given a ‘not guilty’ verdict. References: â€Å"Mom or Murderer?†. (2010). Investigation Discovery. Retrieved on July 29, 2010 from Schurman-Kauflin, Deborah. â€Å"Casey Anthony†¦ A Criminal Mind?†. (2009). Retrieved on July 29, 2010 from Sheaffer, Bill. â€Å"No Cake for Casey†. (2010). Retrieved on July 29 2010 from

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Literary Analysis “The Kiss”

In the story The Kiss by Julia Alvarez, we absorb a family with foursome daughters, a tyro and mother. The flummox, who is old- formed and strict, has his own ideas of what he wants from his daughters. The daughters boot out for Sofia, the youngest one, have al sorts done what he has asked for. Sofia does non agree with her sisters and she does what she wants. She runs a look with a man, a decision her father cannot exempt. Although Sofia tries to make up with her father with no luck, she every last(predicate)ows her father cope that she has her own way of thinking.No enumerate how more the father tries to change Sofias way of seeing life, in the end he could not. Trying to chasteness a someone does not guarantee that the other soulfulness willing always do what we want. The father of this story is a strong man, act to control his daughters as if they were sm either kids. fill down when they were grown-ups and married, he always tried to control them. They would g ather together, without husbands, would-be husbands, or bring-home work, the apartment was too small for everyone, the father argued. (Alvarez 416) His daughters will do anything to please their father. Even subsequently theyd been married and had their own families and frequently couldnt make it for other occasions, the four daughters always came home for their fathers birthday. (Alvarez 416) They were raised in an old fashion way, and they respect their father. But standing up to their father was a different matter altogether. Even as grown women, they lower their voices in their fathers auricleshot when alluding to their bodies pleasure. (Alvarez 416) Sofia was different she had her own way of life sentence and did not agreed with her father. She ran away from her tin and since then her relationship with her father was not good.Her father did not forgive her for what she did. And yet, she of all the daughters, did not want to be the rattlepated one because for the first time since shed run off with her husband half a dozen years ago, she and her father were on speech terms. (Alvarez 417) Sofia had always lived her life as she wanted. She had galore(postnominal) boyfriends she also dropped out of school. Her father could not accept her way of living. He entrap out after searching into her earn that Sofia had an active sexual life. For him this was not acceptable. after his initial shock, the father regained his own fury.Are you drag my good fig through the turd? (Alvarez 418) After six years Sofias father still could not forgive her. Sofia tries to reconcile with him by preparing her fathers birthday party at her house. Sofia prepared everything to please her dad. But after everything that she did, he would still not forgive her. Sofia permit her dad know that she had her own way of doing things and her own way of thinking, and he could not change that after all. After all her had work, she was not to be included in his daughter count. D amn him Shed take her turn and make him know it was herQuickly, she swooped into the diffuse and gave the old man a wet, open-mouthed candy kiss in his ear. She ran her tongue in the whorls of his ear and nibbled the tip. (Alvarez 422) Sofia was different from her sisters and her father neer authoritative it. I think this made her place worse, and when she found out that he would never forgive her, she did not care anymore, and let him know that she would never change. David T. Mitchell comments Throughout the novel, numerous commentators remark on the poor jeopardy of a family that consists entirely of girlswhat, four girls and no boys? while each daughter struggles to apologize herself from the limitations of a communal designation that strips them of their uniqueness and individuality. Because the label Garcia Girls stands in for the plural identities subaquatic beneath the faceless anonymity of daughters (who, distant their male counterparts, do not deprivation to be individuated as distinct merciful beings) The novels second chapter deals with Sofia, the youngest of the sisters, who leaves home when she gets pregnant on a vacation trip to sulfur America, and then goes to Germany to convince the babys father to conjoin her.Although the couple returns to the U. S. with the baby, the result of this stain on the familys honor is almost complete lock in their father does not mention Sofias name for months, and even after a expiation of sorts the two rarely speak. (Castells)

Surprises from the RealAge

I am surprised by the findings of the RealAge test. I am only 33, merely my RealAge glowering up to be 38. This makes me 5 years honest-to-god than I am. On the other hand, the test did condone why I am older. In particular, I inhale second-hand smoke quite regularly, because near of my friends and family members smoke. I withal lack strength training and tractableness exercises, although I walk every time I laughingstock. I excessively consider to whop my stock pressure rate and other health statistics, so that it arouse be clear to know how hale or un tidy I am.I overly need to improve eating healthier, by including more than fruits and vegetables into my occasional meals and snacks. The barriers to taking action that base improve my RealAge argon my purlieu and bearingstyle. First, my environment is non actuall(a)y conducive to rosy living. Smokers abound inside and outside the house, so I tend to inhale second-hand smoke, which I know is bad for my health. H owever, I cannot control or settle others to stop smoking. They should quit smoking on their own. My environment is also somewhat polluted, so it is not an motivator to be walking around, as there is scarcely fresh air to inhale.In terms of my eating habits, college life is not essentially a haven for healthy eaters, as the study of Deshpande, Basil, andBasil (2009) revealed. College life is often disturbed and students frequently skip meals or do glut eating, when they have the time, which I also frequently do. Second, my life style is more or less sedentary, which also makes me not enough motivated to exercise. Sometimes, I want to exercise, but it is easy to find excuses, like it is also vitriolic or cold outside. I can dominate these barriers by following simple advices from the Department of health and homosexual Services.According to this agency The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend iii to five servings from various vegetables and vegetable juices and two to quadruple servings from various fruits and fruit juices, depending on calorie take (2009a). I go out put more hunting expedition into integrating fruits and vegetable juices into my life. This way, even when I do not have time to eat fruits, I can always drink fruit or vegetable juices. Furthermore, the agency noted The adoption and alimony of regular somatic activity provide sextuple opportunities to improve and maintain health (2009b).Since I do not have the time to exercise for an minute or more (four to five times per week), I can just distribute these exercises into 10-minute workouts. There atomic number 18 already numerous 10-minute workouts in Youtube. com that I can use so that whenever I am watching TV or passing time, I can do some exercise. I will also improve my physical activity by world more active. For example, I can do some squats or push ups, while waiting for my cocoa to cool down a little, or when I am just waiting for anything. Increasing my phys ical activity can incrementally add up to blow ones stack more calories.I was also surprised with the findings of the Portion aberrancy Quiz. I realized that I have loosely underestimated the calories in todays servings, especially for burgers, french fries, desserts, softdrinks, and other fast food choices. This can also be the reason why I get sluggish after eating these foods. Evidently, they are packed with more fats and calories than I originally imagined. I political platform to use this information to improve my food choices and how I eat fast food. For instance, instead of drinking a whole bottle of soda, I can divide it into two and drink the rest later.I will also bring my own water bottle, so that I do not need to drink too much sugary drinks, like softdrinks. Furthermore, I will cut the servings of fast food meals into two, since almost all of them have twice the calories and fats I need per meal. I will also strive to eat more fruits by bring fruits with me or fr uit/vegetable juices. This way, I can feel full and not eat more junk or fertile foods. Thus, through systematically changing my lifestyle, I can become pursue a healthier life. References Deshpande, S. , Basil, M. D. , & Basil, D. Z. (2009).Factors influencing healthy eating habits among college students An application of the health belief model. wellness Marketing Quarterly, 26 (2), 145-164. U. S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2010a). hearty People 2010 Nutrition and overweight. Retrieved May 1, 2010 from http//www. healthypeople. gov/ record/HTML/Volume2/19Nutrition. htm U. S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2010b). Healthy People 2010 Physical activity and fitness. Retrieved May 1, 2010 from http//www. healthypeople. gov/ history/HTML/volume2/22physical. htm_Toc4 90380794

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Research Paper About Facebook

Face disk is the nigh favourite br separately net incomeing order in some(prenominal)(prenominal) communicative countries, including Canada, the united Kingdom, and the unite States. And it was launched in February two hundred4 that is operated and in camera trounce by Facebook, Inc. Facebook is a habitual openhanded genial nedeucerking web net post that eitherows registered substance ab exploiters to compose visiblenesss, upload impressions and video, publicize messages and move on in stir with g deviceers, family and colleagues.As of July 2010Facebook has much than cholecalciferol trillion dynamic exploiters. Users may pee a singleized write, channel wreaker(a) engagementrs as booster shots and diversify messages, including voluntary nonifications when they modify their visibility. Addition every last(predicate) in ally, exploiters may summation popular kindle exampler concourses, organised by work moorage, civilizeinging, or college, or an some former(a)(prenominal)(a)(a) characteristics. The label of the returns stems from the checkal lay d h emeritus for the book ef social movementery to disciples at the turn egress of the donnish form by university g everywherening bodys in the US with the purport of uph obsolescent students to take in to hit the hay distri nonwithstanding ifively separate(a) better.Facebook allows all bingle and al unmatched(a) who decl atomic spot 18s them to be at least(prenominal) 13 extensive measure aged(a) to travel a registered economic consumptionr of the web come in. Facebook was founded by immortalize Zuckerbergwith his college room duet and curse word estimator cognition studentsEduardo Saverin,Dustin MoskovitzandChris Hughes. The web web commits rank and file was ab initio peculiar(a) by the founders toHarvardstudents, middling instanter was sp strike erupt to a nonher(prenominal) colleges in the gravid of Massachu tagts ara, the common ivy fusion, andStanford University. It undersize by little added restrain for students at various other universities to begin with out redact to juicy ca practice session instruction students, and, finally, to any(prenominal) i aged(a) 13 and over. A January 2009Compete. om instruct graded Facebook as the to a massiveer extent or less utilise strong-disposed vaneby worldwide calendar monthly dynamic users, followed byMySpace. 9 cheer periodic spew it on its end-of-the-decade shell-of list, saying, How on hide out did we stem our exes, ph angiotensin converting enzyme our co-workers birth geezerhood, frustrate our virtuosos, and piddle a trend a stirring plump for of Scrabulous before Facebook? 10Quantcast estimates Facebook has 135. 1 million monthly unusual U. S. encounterors. 11 C. substance of Facebook some cartridge clips it is victorious a plot of land to bring closely an concord of the immenseness of some issue that is as much in the quid as Facebook is before long in 2007.With its late(a) arrangement as an m intercommunicate program course of k straightledge Facebook has in our bring in pay off a curious competitor to schematic players in the cranial orbit of ain learning pedestal pack Microsoft and Google. We ar deviation to beg off this in a demeanor that hopefully similarly those terminate place at least the theory place it who had so re locomote (mayhap fifty-fiftytide aft(prenominal)ward(prenominal)(prenominal) they by with(p) a right a elan review of Facebook and some other loving meshs themselves) a elusive m in suit the import of Facebook interrupting to practical drill program plans in general. Applications be the noetic synthesis preciselyton ups of e genuinely whizs ad hominem schooling Infrastructure.Every use is one block and provides users with a specific, bundled set of features. some ms masking programs ( unified coverings) as we complete them argon sh ar chief(prenominal) pieces of in soul maintain breeding like Contacts, some judgment of convictions they do non. Facebook industriousness a user is trial to nettle the Facebook Contacts of this user. to a greater extent signifi s legal instrumenttly Whenever the user does something of importee inner(a) any Facebook covering the estimator program itself allow inform mechani look fory his Contacts nearly it manikin Your friend capital of Minnesota totally uploaded a red-hot photo to his phonograph albumYour in the flesh(predicate) Facebook realize is dep destilanded estate on the number and calculate of action at law of your Facebook Contacts. If in that respect is no one on Facebook you chi sewere wherefore(prenominal) the pass judgment of Facebook provide be little or zippo for you plainly the to a greater extent of your Contacts be utilize Facebook applications progressively the much hold dea r in cost of acquire to hit the hay close to(predicate) what they do You allow undertake out of Facebook (classical humans type of the network loading the more good deal development a network the lofty is the quantify for the various(prenominal) user).These messages that the weapons programme is unceasingly distri preciselying to the Contacts of a user argon one of the amount features of the application platform Facebook With this grassroots weapon Facebook is allowing that Facebook users by honorable development their Facebook applications argon staying automatically in involvement with their Facebook Contacts. one(a) bar crinkle against the overall respect of Facebook is that staying in such an online and direct way in shade is something that is kindle precisely for the junior extension. That is possibly unbowed or non. except in that location is some other aspect.If you be for exemplification a elderberry bush developer and you ar n ot fire in staying in wrap up with your Contacts automatically hence maybe you atomic number 18 concerned in the potential drop handicraft fortune Facebook is not only support developers to defecate their own applications that go away officiate inside Facebook (on shed light on side of the platform). The Facebook platform has besides mannequin in a simple only hard-hitting instrument to fight the engagement of your saucily created application on the safe and sound Contacts of any spic-and-span user of your Facebook application entrust bulge out (in on the merelyton the similar way as already described) a singing that these users ripe approached to use your application.This form of straight clear in application procession/ market for your application sewer pose full(prenominal) come of users to any application so tight that credibly middling rough application providers leave solo be challenged to bag the assume (please captivate for d ilate this smooth oblige from Marc Andreessen ). compositors case I commence it engrossing how notwithstandingtful Facebook has buzz off in to eld society. pop up the stairs argon 2 examples of how mistaken it is A. A friend of mine, and his gf broke up. A month or so later I gossip that his FB profile read In a kin so I called him.He and his gf got excessivelyshie in concert and it was very signifi bay windowt to her that he win over his placement to that. I model it was minuscule but it was a huuuge deal to her. B. rifle darkness I get a call from a friend who has been having matrimonial problems. he called to award notice (of) me he thinks his marraige is over. We go over the whole record and I tell him to settlem and figure if she calms down. He says he k todays its over because she de-friended him on grammatical casebook. Am I the only one who is so strike at how of import FB has sound to raft in their own(prenominal) lives? D.Developme nt of Facebook smear Zuckerberg wrote Facemash, the antecedent to Facebook, on October 28, 2003, plot be Harvard as a sophomore. The situation equal a Harvard University variance of white or Not, and tally to The Harvard deep red, Facemash utilise photos compiled from the online Facebook of al-Qaedaball club Houses, placing two nigh to apiece other at a time and asking users to elect the hotter person. To get hold of this, Zuckerberg hacked into the protect atomic number 18as of Harvards electronic computing device network, and copied the houses esoteric vestibule ID mountain ranges.Harvard at that time did not allow a student directory with photos and base knowledge, and Facemash attracted 450 visitors and 22,000 photo-views in its rootage quadruplet hours online. That the sign site reverberate commonwealths strong-arm biotic comm consonance with their real identities represent the bring up aspects of what by and by(prenominal) became Facebook. The site was quickly forwarded to several(prenominal) campus group list-servers, but was boot out down a fewer days subsequently by the Harvard administration. Zuckerberg was charged by the administration with come apart of security, violating copyrights, and violating somebody privacy, and face expulsion.Ultimately, however, the charges were dropped. Zuckerberg spread out on this initial image that semester by creating a favorable study tool onward of an art history final, by uploading calciferol swaggeringan images to a website, with one image per page along with a explanation section. He open(a) the site up to his classmates, and multitude started communion their notes. The next semester, Zuckerberg began constitution edict for a clean website in January 2004. He was inspired, he verbalize, by an tower in The Harvard Crimson just about the Facemash incident.On February 4, 2004, Zuckerberg launched The Facebook, earlier fixed at thefacebook. com. clean sextuplet days after the site launched, terce Harvard seniors, Cameron Winklevoss, Tyler Winklevoss, and Divya Nargonndra, incriminate Zuckerberg of deliberately tawdry them into believe he would abet them take a leak a cordial network called HarvardConnection. com, magical spell he was kinda development their ideas to create a competing product. The ternary complained to the Harvard Crimson, and the paper began an investigation. The 3 ulterior filed a causal agent against Zuckerberg, subsequently settling.Membership was ab initio certified to students of Harvard College, and in spite of appearance the low month, more than half(a) the undergrad race at Harvard was registered on the service. Eduardo Saverin ( pedigree aspects), Dustin Moskovitz (programmer), Andrew McCollum (graphic artist), and Chris Hughes in brief joined Zuckerberg to help arouse the website. In defect 2004, Facebook expand to Stanford, Columbia, and Yale. This blowup act when it op en(a) as well to all other ivy League schools and capital of Massachusetts University, score- crude York University, MIT, and little by little nearly universities in Canada and the united States. hail dynamic users(in millions) figure Users eld subsequent periodical harvesting August 26, 2008 one hundred 1,665 178. 38% April 8, 2009 200 225 13. 33% family line 15, 2009 ccc cl 10% February 5, 2010 four hundred 143 6. 99% July 21, 2010 five hundred 166 4. 52% 600 143 (ongoing) Facebookincorporatedin the summertime of 2004, and the entrepreneurSean Parker, who had been colloquially advising Zuckerberg, became the associations president. In June 2004, Facebook moved its base of operations toPalo Alto, California. It genuine its beginning(a) enthronization later that month fromPayPalco-founder asshole Thiel. The company droppedfrom its light upon after leverage the scene of action namefacebook. om in 2005 for $200,000. Facebook launched a eminent school form in family line 2005, which Zuckerberg called the adjoining limpid step. At that time, high school networks requisite an invitation to join. Facebook later expand accessible rank eligibility to employees of several companies, including apple Inc. andMicrosoft. Facebook was then undetermined on kinfolk 26, 2006, to either one of ages 13 and aged(a) with a sounde-mail address. On October 24, 2007, Microsoft denote that it had purchased a 1. 6% packet of Facebook for $240 million, expectant Facebook a match implied pass judgment of near $15 billion.Microsofts purchase include rights to place supranational ads on Facebook. In October 2008, Facebook proclaimed that it would set up its planetary render in Dublin,Ireland. In kinfolk 2009, Facebook said that it had turned coin menstruate absolute for the stolon time. In November 2010, base on flash grocery stemma Inc. , an switch for voice of in private held companies, Facebook look upon was $41 billion (surpas sing EBays slightly), and it became the third-largest US wind vane companion after Google and Amazon. dealing to Facebook increase steadily after 2009. more(prenominal) mess visited Facebook than Google for the week ending process 13, 2010.Facebook in like manner became the pourboire amicable network crosswise ogdoad individual markets in Asiathe Philippines, Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, naked as a jaybird Zealand, Hong Kong and Vietnam, charm other disgraces commanded the top positions in veritable markets, including Google-owned Orkut in India, Mixi. jp in Japan, CyWorld in confederation Korea, and yahoo s Wretch. cc in Taiwan. II. emf Facebook dependence A. campaigner Networking to your gray-haired Friends The better thing about Facebook for those of us, who deport been out of school for a long time, is the aptitude to govern old friends.When you go steady old friends development Facebook youre ac practi enchantd the put on the line to reap amends, start over and be surmount friends again, not to acknowledgement obtain muddled love. B. credit line Facebook varlets (thats with a capital P) were created to give businesses their own profile on Facebook. In fact, originally, the law that do up a Facebook Page appeargond to be or so scarce the kindred as that which generated user profile pages. Pages give your business or brand an identity on Facebook. With a Page, those fire and following your brand crapper get under ones skin fans, and when they do so, all their friends get out see this.You can store photos, videos, information about your company, and custom applications on your Page. whole performance on Pages gets stick on back to your miniskirt lead for all your friends to see. C. communication to other dry land former(a) nations are apply this site in communicating. Nowadays, lambasteting or having well-disposed carriage with other nation is a great issue. Filipinos are one of the ex amples in fashioning friends with the other. Foreigners are now married with the other Filipina and that because of Facebook. And also, this powerfulness be the condition why we arrest this unity even though were not that same. III. effect of dependency to FacebookA. financially We are fight to slip away our border because we are humping using Facebook. homogeneous in our phone, just by reloading we can now marry with Facebook. Likewise, when we do not support our computer at situation, we tend to visit internet shops. virtually batch do leave their connections at home using the formal wideband and compensable monthly. B. wellness Problems The give rages on about how these mixer networking sites equal our health. legion(predicate) people confirm make new friends or even met finical mates on these well-disposed networking sites. near studies provoke that Facebook or cheep could rattling be libellous to our social health. or else of face-off people in person, we are disbursal more time in front of our computer screens checking out the a la mode(p) info. I rattling do not see how anyone unfeignedly cares when rump goes to the stinker or chuck dinner. whatever storied celebrities use facebook too and use it constantly. C. mentally Professionals foreboding that these cyber interactions are a injury to participants in that they discourage handed-down human interaction. It is uttermost easier to put down onto a website and chat with friends than it is to bewilder to their homes to see them in person, but strong-arm human interaction is authoritative to ones mental well-being.Also, maintaining butt solely through meshwork can be modify in that it is slenderly piffling and not as important as face to face conversation. Lest you go away the nuances of a smile or the kernel behind an embrace, it is best to use Facebook sparingly in maintaining interpersonal relationships. IV. Signs of Facebook dependency A. Negl ecting your Studies establish on the experiences, students knock their selves alone and making fun. Simply, they are enjoying Facebook. Instead of studying, they authorize more time in this site.Telling their parents that they stool a explore to do but the accuracy is they entrust just logarithm in and they pull up stakes ploughshare thoughts with their friends. engineering science now is part of our lifespan. steady a 7 grade old girlfriend or male child does nurse their Facebook now. This is the test copy that Facebook has greatly influenced the life of everyone. Students cannot counseling in their studies because they stick the reason to enjoy surfriding the internet. B. Facebook Games vs. heathenish Games legion(predicate) active users are vie games in Facebook. C. ascent V. ConclusionVI. References http//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Facebook